Rambling Thoughts
So a FB friend posted this article about Beyonce not getting album of the year. I thought it was extremely well written, and to quote Adele, "What the f*ck does she have to do to win album of the year?” I mean, really!! That isn't to discredit Adele's album, but "Lemonade" was revolutionary. I watched the entire visual album, and it was intense, emotional, and thought provoking. If you haven't, you should.
My stomach growls so insanely loud. Like, people I'm talking to on the phone can hear it. I've even interrupted work meetings because of it. Anybody else experience this?
Brett is 3/4 through his 30 day rotation... which means I have less than two weeks to pack 3 suitcases of stuff for the move. I'm starting to get anxiety. About the packing. Not the move.
I've noticed that one piece bathing suits have really come a LONG way. There are some insanely cute ones on the market. Liiiiike this one. I'm still sticking to my bikinis, but for the first time in my life I've been truly tempted to snag a one piece!
Joining Burn Boot Camp Short Pump for the month has been such a great reminder of how much I love being around good girlfriends. This group is so positive, and supportive, non-judging, and uplifting. I will miss my Burn Tribe so much after I move! Though, rumor has it they might be visiting me, which would be amazing.
Today I woke up with a hoarse voice (fighting a cold)... it's SO weird to hear my new voice hoarse.
I am beyond thankful for the warmer temperatures we've been having in Richmond.
I have some exciting work projects up my sleeve that I can't wait to share.