My Second Whole30

I recently finished up my second round of Whole30. This round was a BREEZE in comparison to my first. For 30 days I did not consume any added sugar, grains, dairy, legumes, or alcohol. It really went off without a hitch. If anything, it was a bit anticlimactic because it felt like less of an accomplishment because it was easier! I knew how to shop, where to shop, and had designated go-to recipes for busy evenings. 

Looking back, I feel as though I had done another round of Whole30 too soon. My last round was in January. My motivation and enthusiasm just weren't the same this time. But I was committed to completing a goal I set for myself and so I did. Although, if I ever again want to quickly get good habits rolling (which was my main motivator to do another round), I would do a 10-14 day reset. 

One of my secondary goals for this round of Whole30 was to get better about eating breakfast. I started off strong, muscling egg cups down every morning. But by the end, I ended up not eating breakfast or eating an Rx bar. There's still quite a bit of room for improvement there. I also developed a bad habit during Round 2. I was consuming TONS of dried mango. Dried mango is one of the sweetest things you can eat on Whole30, but it's not meant to be consumed the way I was eating it! I finally had to cut myself (and Brett who did another round of "Whole30ish") from it. If I don't buy it, I have no problems.

The good news is that I still love Whole30 food, and am an advocate of the program. The food is absolutely delicious and the program works. For this round, I purchased Whole30 Fast and Easy. This recipe book was so handy and the food I made from it was a lot faster and easier than the food I made from the other two cookbooks I have. This was an ideal book to use during the workweek. However, I have the time and energy to cool, I still love relishing in the process of cooking recipes from the other ones. 

My three favorite recipes this round:

Roast Root Veggies in Curry Sauce with Ground Pork - If you like Indian food, this is the BEST Indian dish I've tried on Whole30. I'll be eating this again!

Cod with Citrus Glazed - Simple and delicious. Plus, who doesn't like balsamic reduction?

Chicken Satay Salad - This was my favorite recipe I made out of the Fast and Easy cookbook. That dressing was UNREAL.

Dana Podgurski

Hi everyone! I'm Dana Podgurski!

I'm a foot in the mouth, tongue in cheek, head in the clouds, and heart on the sleeve kind of gal. I live for new experiences, but am a total sucker for nostalgia at the same time. I'm tough as nails, but am a complete softie for all things kids and animal-related. I fly by the seat of my pants, and live for adventure. But I firmly believe that adventure is a mindset that one's self determines.

For work, I am a marketer through and through. Bringing brands to life, and content marketing are passions of mine. Many would consider what I do as nerdy, but I seriously dig it. I have been doing marketing contract work for years, and appreciate the variety it brings, and the relationships I've developed with my clients. If you're interested in a partnership, click here.

For fun, I love to create - writing/blogging, photography, and painting are my main three mediums of doing so. Feeling good and healthy is also high on my list, as it really lends itself to making everything more enjoyable. So I maintain a very active lifestyle, eat pretty healthy, and am outdoors as much as I can be. And if my blog didn't make it abundantly clear, I absolutely LOVE to travel (near and far) and go on adventures. I spend any extra money I have on tickets and feel so fortunate to have been to several amazing destinations both domestically and internationally. There's nothing more fulfilling than coming home from a trip and adding a been-there-pin to my map.



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