Grocery Shopping in Bermuda
Snap shot from the bike ride to the grocery store.
Our first grocery shopping experience can be summed up in two words: holy.shit.
Last Sunday, shortly after Brett and I got to Bermuda, Brett’s boss (who has a car) offered to take us to the grocery store. We were so appreciative of this since we don’t have transportation other than our own two feet and borrowed bicycles. We got what I would deem to be a normal amount of groceries plus a handful of essentials (like toilet paper, a big thing of laundry detergent, a few toiletries, etc.). Honestly, the only “extras” we bought were booze: two bottles of mid-shelf wine, 6 pack of beer, and a bottle of local rum - roughly $85.
However, after the cashier ran our bill up, I became quite confident that this store is named Harrington Hundred’s because you end up spending hundreds. It was a $485 rookie “mistake,” as we later learned it was the second most expensive grocery store on the island. It makes me shudder to think there is a grocery store here with higher markups.
To give you an idea of prices:
Digiorno Frozen Pizza (this was the cheapest frozen pizza) - $14.99
Heineken 6 Pack - $16.60
Container of Foldger’s Instant Coffee - $16.99
Milk (One quart) - $3.19
Skippy Crunchy Peanut Butter (28oz) - $8.99
Honey (the kind in the shape of a bear) - $7.09
Jar of Classico Pasta Sauce - $8.19
Chobani yogurt - $2.49
Dozen Eggs - $4.69
Pint of Ben & Jerry’s - $8.49
I’d also like to mention that I saw a jar of Almond Butter for sale for $26.99… those who know me well KNOW how intense my obsession is for nut butters. But even I have my limits! I don’t care of Jesus himself crushed the almonds with His own two hands, I’d never pay that amount for any nut butter.
I had asked for ideas for healthy recipes that require minimal (and NORMAL) ingredients on Facebook the other night and got some really good suggestions. Using minimal ingredients helps for these reasons:
More money for adventures.
It’s logistically more convenient because all of the groceries we buy we have to load in our in backpacks, and then bike back to our apartment with.
They don’t sell things like tears of a newborn unicorn (or equally as unusual ingredients) on the island.
If you have any suggestions for simple healthy meals, I’d love to hear them!
I'm also delighted to report that since our first round of grocery shopping, we have found a "normal" grocery store, The Market Place. We went there and stocked up, and spent less than half as much as we did during the first shopping trip (thank heavens). We do have to bike 5 miles each way to get there, but it's a GORGEOUS ride, and a killer workout. Additionally, a local friend of ours also told us about this meat stand that sells fresh-frozen meat. It's right up the road from us, so we walked there and got a bunch of good stuff like 3lbs of wahoo for $25 - yum!
I hope to find some local farmer's markets next!