Bikini Pancakes

One of the things I like about South Florida is how active and healthy people are down here. I think the added motivation of being able to be in a swimsuit 10/11 months out of the year is part of what gets people off their butts and doing something. I've become much more mindful with what I eat since I've moved down here - gotta keep up! My friend Caitlan had posted on her instagram how she made these banana pancakes that didn't require any flour. She is super healthy, and the girl is FIT, so I knew if this recipe was good enough for her, it was definitely good enough for me! I didn't follow her exact recipe (I know, shocker -sarcasm-). But here is what I did.

                                                     1 Banana, 2 Eggs (just one yolk), blueberries

                                                     1 Banana, 2 Eggs (just one yolk), blueberries

1. Mash the bananas and eggs together.

                      Mashed eggs and banana.

                      Mashed eggs and banana.

2. Fry those puppies on a pan (mediumish heat) with some coconut oil. (Or your preferred oil)

3. Plop some blueberries into your batter while it's still doughy.

                Fried batter

                Fried batter

4. Add a tiny drizzle of agave. And boom, done.

         Bikini Pancakes

         Bikini Pancakes

I'm not sure if I've ever consumed pancakes so fast in my life. The flavor tasted similar to banana bread. The consistency was a bit spongy, but I like that. For those who prefer a more firm consistency, I would do a 1:1 banana:egg ratio.

So eat pancakes, and get sexy. ;)

Dana Podgurski

Hi everyone! I'm Dana Podgurski!

I'm a foot in the mouth, tongue in cheek, head in the clouds, and heart on the sleeve kind of gal. I live for new experiences, but am a total sucker for nostalgia at the same time. I'm tough as nails, but am a complete softie for all things kids and animal-related. I fly by the seat of my pants, and live for adventure. But I firmly believe that adventure is a mindset that one's self determines.

For work, I am a marketer through and through. Bringing brands to life, and content marketing are passions of mine. Many would consider what I do as nerdy, but I seriously dig it. I have been doing marketing contract work for years, and appreciate the variety it brings, and the relationships I've developed with my clients. If you're interested in a partnership, click here.

For fun, I love to create - writing/blogging, photography, and painting are my main three mediums of doing so. Feeling good and healthy is also high on my list, as it really lends itself to making everything more enjoyable. So I maintain a very active lifestyle, eat pretty healthy, and am outdoors as much as I can be. And if my blog didn't make it abundantly clear, I absolutely LOVE to travel (near and far) and go on adventures. I spend any extra money I have on tickets and feel so fortunate to have been to several amazing destinations both domestically and internationally. There's nothing more fulfilling than coming home from a trip and adding a been-there-pin to my map.



Oui Oui Croissan Time


Go home, Bieber.